In light of this growing crisis, we are hoping to revive the same spirit that carried our community through the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Our goal is to reactivate the Rockaway Brewing Co. beach location as a space to serve the community at large, while also offering continued employment to our local staff members. The space can serve as a collection and distribution hub, from which we can deliver organic farm vegetable CSA’s and food supplies to our at-risk neighbors, including senior citizens, families, those with pre-existing medical conditions, and those who have recently lost employment.
We are also preparing hearty & healthy meals for our local first-responders, hospital staffs and nursing home employees.
We look forward to sharing our story with you, please follow us on instagram for our daily outreach.
We are currently not seeking or taking any in-kind donations based on the strict protocols that we are following to ensure the health and safety of our small staff and those we are helping. You can learn more about the protocol here: COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines
If you would like to make a monetary donation please click here